
The Starlette integration adds support for the Starlette Framework.

The Sentry SDK automatically enables support for Starlette if you have the starlette Python package installed in your project. There are no configuration options you need to add when initializing the Sentry SDK, as everything works out of the box.


Install sentry-sdk from PyPI with the starlette extra:

pip install --upgrade 'sentry-sdk[starlette]'


To configure the SDK, initialize it with the integration before your app has been initialized:

from starlette.applications import Starlette

import sentry_sdk


    # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100%
    # of transactions for performance monitoring.
    # We recommend adjusting this value in production,

app = Starlette(routes=[...])


This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up:

from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.routing import Route

async def trigger_error(request):
    division_by_zero = 1 / 0

app = Starlette(routes=[
    Route("/sentry-debug", trigger_error),

Visiting "/sentry-debug" will trigger an error that will be captured by Sentry.


  • All exceptions leading to an Internal Server Error are reported.

  • Request data is attached to all events: HTTP method, URL, headers, form data, JSON payloads. Sentry excludes raw bodies and multipart file uploads. Sentry also excludes personally identifiable information (such as user ids, usernames, cookies, authorization headers, IP addresses) unless you set send_default_pii to True.

  • If a traces_sample_rate is set, then performance information is also reported, which you can see on the Performance page of


If you want to change the default behavior of the Starlette integration, you need to instantiate the integration by hand and pass it to Sentry's init function.

You can pass the keyword argument transaction_style to StarletteIntegration().

With this option, you can influence how the transactions are named in Sentry. For example:

from sentry_sdk.integrations.starlette import StarletteIntegration

    # ...

async def product_detail(request):
    return JSONResponse({...})

app = Starlette(routes=[
    Route('/catalog/product/{product_id}', product_detail),

In the above code, the transaction name will be:

  • "/catalog/product/{product_id}" if you set transaction_style="url".
  • "product_detail" if you set transaction_style="endpoint"

The default is "url".

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