
Webhooks allow your service to receive requests about specific resources, depending on your selection, such as installation, issues, and alerts:

Sentry integration webhook checkbox


All webhooks will contain the following set of request headers:

  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Request-ID": "<request_uuid>",
  "Sentry-Hook-Resource": "<resource>",
  "Sentry-Hook-Timestamp": "<timestamp>",
  "Sentry-Hook-Signature": "<generated_signature>"

The Sentry-Hook-Resource and Sentry-Hook-Signature are described below.


This is the resource that triggered the action. The action will be in the payload. The possible resources are listed below:

  • installation
  • event_alert
  • issue
  • metric_alert
  • error
  • comment


A hash generated using your Client Secret and the request itself. Used to verify the authenticity of the request.

Verifying the Signature

const crypto = require("crypto");

function verifySignature(request, secret = "") {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret);
  hmac.update(JSON.stringify(request.body), "utf8");
  const digest = hmac.digest("hex");
  return digest === request.headers["sentry-hook-signature"];

Request Structure

All webhook requests have some common elements.

The action that corresponds with the resource in the header. For example, if the resource is issue the action could be created.

An object with the uuid of the installation so that you can map the webhook request to the appropriate installation.

The data object contains information about the resource and will differ in content depending on the type of webhook. This payload may be able to be customized via UI components.

The actor is who, if anyone, triggered the webhook. If a user in Sentry triggered the action, the actor is the user. If the Sentry integration itself triggers the action, the actor is the integration. If the action is triggered automatically within Sentry, the actor is "Sentry".

# Sample cases:

# User installs Sentry integration
"actor": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": <user-id>,
    "name": <user-name>,

# Sentry integration makes request to assign an issue
"actor": {
    "type": "application",
    "id": <sentry-app-uuid>,
    "name": <sentry-app-name>,

# Sentry (sentry.io) auto resolves an issue
"actor": {
    "type": "application",
    "id": "sentry",
    "name": "Sentry",

Event Types

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